How to Prepare for your Newborn Session

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  1. Keep them awake!

    Please do your best to keep the baby(ies) awake for at least 1 hour before your session (preferably 2). Talk to him/her, give a bath, sing, make eye contact, etc. This will help tire them out so baby sleeps during the session.

  2. Keep them Hungry!

    Also, please try to avoid feeding the babies for at least 1.5-2 hours prior to your session. I will have you either breast or bottle feed when you arrive (or as I am setting up if session is in your home), so that baby is completely full, relaxed and tired for the session. He/she should be grumpy, hungry and tired when I arrive.

  3. Have lots of food available!

    If you bottle feed, please have extra in case baby needs to feed during his session. Modelling is hard work!! If you breast feed, be prepare to be needed for a nursing break in the middle of the session.

  4. Have A Soother/Pacifier Ready

    Please have a soother/pacifier available for me to use. Even if you don't typically use one, it will help soothe baby(ies) while they are being handled so much during their session. They are not used to me or being posed the way they will be during the session.

  5. Dress light! we keep it hoT!

    Babies are used to it being super warm inside of mom, so the are most willing to cooperate when it’s nice and warm in the room. I keep it hot in my house during sessions. If the session is taking place in your home - keep it around 23 degrees celcius! If you are hoping for any 'naked baby'/unwrapped shots, this is especially important.

  6. Wear basic outfits

    If family members are being photographed I suggest to have everyone attempt to wear the same color, and have that color be something very plain and basic (ex. all white shirts with blue jeans, or black shirts with jeans/khakis, etc). This will make sure the focus is on the baby and the connection to the baby, not on the individual family members clothing choices. Please remove any hats, watches etc you do not want photographed. Also - bare feet are best!

  7. Other kids will go last

    If you have chosen the full family session and are having family/siblings photographed, this will usually occur at the end of the session (approximately 2 hours after your start time). If this causes issues with your older siblings nap times, please let me know and we can do the family portion at the beginning of your session instead.

  8. Make some Space

    I will need a space to work that is clear of furniture. Preferably with hard flooring. Usually a basement or family room works well, or the kitchen if we can move your table. If you have any questions, just let me know!